Amusement park app concept video

Raising a family today means juggling competing demands on your time. Parents often both work fulltime. In addition to attending school, children typically have different activities that need to be scheduled. With a home to run and leisure time at a premium, it can be difficult to keep the family organized – even fun family activities like going to an amusement park.

This project is an animated video prototype of a fictional mobile app for an amusement park. It is a system for ordering amusement park tickets on the go, which can be used by busy parents who are looking for the quickest way possible to organize and purchase tickets for a day of fun with their kids, whether they are organizing their activities in advance or want to avoid an unexpected long lineup at the park with impatient children.

This video was a group project for an Audio/Video course as part of Sheridan College’s Interactive Media Management program, with the concept of the app based off of a group member’s previous mobile app sketches. This animated video prototype is intended to demonstrate to a client of a design agency what the proposed app would look like, and how it could improve customer experience.

The video could also be used to promote the use of the app to the target end-users. The video walks the end-user through the process of purchasing tickets using the app, demonstrating the simplicity of the desired action of end-user: purchasing tickets to enter the amusement park.

The group comprised of myself and three classmates. Our team collaborated on every stage of the video creation, from conception to completion. During the conception stage, we created shorthand notes of the video outlining what would take place, and then we made visual storyboards of the video. Within the notes and storyboards’ stages we decided how long each screen would last for.

After the sketches were completed Adobe XD was used to build the screens of the app, which were then imported directly into After Effects. We decided to use colours, fonts and music that conveyed a fun and upbeat feeling, to reflect the feeling the end-user would expect from attending an amusement park.

This project was completed within the assignment deadlines of the course, with the whole project spanning approximately four weeks while working on projects for other courses. Our group also had a time limit requirement; the video had to be at least a minute and a half long, but no greater than two minutes.

During this project I gained experience using Adobe After Effects, a software program that I had never used before. Along with other components of the course, this project gave me a greater understanding of how After Effects and animated video prototypes can be used within the mobile web app development industry to pitch an idea to a client.